Friday 11 February 2011

So, hello there failure~

Just finished my finals(maybe?) and it was horrible and I don't mean it in a modest way. I mean it in a OMG WHY CAN'T I UNDERSTAND CIRCUITRY AND PLASMA AND MATHHHHHH kinda way. I seriously have no confidence in whether I can graduate this year. Sigh... I'm usually a fairly optimistic person thinking that "It'll all turn out alright" but what if it doesn't? T___T

I have no idea what to do with my life.

Wish I could just fangirl Kpop forever.

First experiment in making videos. Next up planning on:

1) Changmin Shy Boy Tribute
2) Yoochun Hey Micky Tribute
3) TVXQ Fangirling Tribute
4) Ayy Girl KYHD mash-up video based on Ayy Girl
5) Making a remix of maybe Empty and KYHD or Ayy Girl with KYHD, still trying to figure audio editing programs

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Serious post?

I really really fail at having a blog that is supposed to be about my 'real life' or 'real thoughts' and all that. I guess it's the whole "The internet is a scary place filled with crazy people. BE CAREFUL" mentality. So my blogs always end up as me fangirling. Not particularly interesting unless you're in the fandom itself.

Some people have a certain... eloquence.. when writing that I just can't seem to grasp. Could this be the cause of mostly being in science side? Unlikely, since I do have friends who were from science side who write their blog with... with... darn my lack of vocabulary, another word that means the same thing as eloquence DX

Anyway, less of my musings and more about my life. Life is okay. Ups and downs, mostly ups, thank goodness. I'm still trying to figure out how to do my research. Sigh... Maybe it's the language barrier or maybe it's my fault. The people in my lab seem to assume that I know what I'm supposed to be doing without actually explaining it to me. Umm yeah, I know that I may speak your language with A LITTLE BIT of fluency but when you start throwing big words around and speak in really really long roundabout sentences, it's like I'm trying to grasp at straws trying to understand. But then, maybe it's my fault for not asking when I don't understand something.

Therein lies one of my problems. I can't ask for help easily. Every time I ask for something(help/favor), it's like I'm ripping out a part of me and putting it to someone else's mercy. It took me ages just to get the courage to ask my senior to help me with something in my research. Sigh... Psychologically, I suppose I don't dare to ask because I'm afraid to look like an idiot in front of people. Darn pride... And if I do ask you a favor, it's because I'm really really really desperate and I'll be steeling myself for a response that would shoot me down. Sigh... It doesn't help that my professor gives me the "How do you not know this???" at most of my questions. MOST. Not all. Arghhhhhh. Why am I in engineering again? T__T

Well this turn out to be an introspective piece rather than about real life. Probably another reason why I fail at writing blogs since I'm more to the introspective side. Or narcissistic. Or something LOL.
Me + Alone with my thoughts = Broodiness = Procastination

Wednesday 19 May 2010


I miss Dong Bang Shin Ki/Tohoshinki/TVXQ.

Wednesday 30 December 2009

TVXQ Stand By You 091230

I miss them <3


Wednesday 25 November 2009

Na na na na na na na na BATMAN

Bruce Wayne rules my world. <3 ♥

Monday 26 October 2009

Lenka - The Show

I really love this song. Not because it's cheery or anything like that, but because it seems bittersweet to me.

Just enjoy the show.
I want my money back. I want my money back. I want my money back.
Just enjoy the show.
I want my money back. I want my money back. I want my money back.

I like the double meanings. The somewhat light-hearted Just enjoy the show telling us to just enjoy life and my fav part "I want my money back." because life isn't all sunshine and goodness. Sigh~ Haha. Ignore my liking depressing things.

Monday 29 June 2009

Rooster Teeth Catch

I seriously love Rooster Teeth and their works. Red vs Blue is phenomenal! And hillarious. And just brilliant. And this is one of my fav Rooster Teeth Short. I wanna make a short movie like this too~
Anyway, back to studying...